Being naked is the most sustainable option. We're #2.

Sustainability isn't just a buzzword; it's a way of life.

From the outset, as we build our brand, we've made it our focus to prioritise eco-conscious practices and materials in every aspect of our business.

That's why we've chosen to use bamboo fabric in our clothing. Not only is bamboo a renewable resource, but it also regrows quickly, requires less water and pesticides than traditional cotton crops, and has numerous other environmental benefits.

But our commitment to sustainability doesn't stop there. We're donating a portion of revenue from every purchase to support the World Wildlife Fund's tree planting program. By doing so, we hope to contribute to reforestation efforts and combat climate change, one purchase at a time.

We believe that every small action can make a big difference, and that's why we're passionate about promoting sustainability in all that we do. So join us in our mission to create a better world for future generations, while still looking and feeling great in our eco-friendly clothes.